Thursday 18 September 2008

Build Your House of Joy

Every thought you think, every word you speak, every choice you make in every moment, is creating the house in which you dwell.

You may choose to build a house of glass bricks, each brick a beautiful moment, a perfumed rose, damp grass under bare feet, crickets on a summer evening, sunshine warm on your shoulders, the smile of a loved one, the lick of a puppy on your cheek, joyful laughter with friends.

And when you build your house of deep emotional joys like these, it becomes like a fortress, a house of true wonder, where the outside storms are kept at a distance and yet your own joy and beauty always sparkle. It becomes a place of great safety and security, a place you can dwell within every moment of your life, no matter what is happening outside.

And after a time, you will find that you cannot be contained within that house, for your joy and peace are so complete that they must shine out and create a world of light for others as well. You become the house up on the hill, a house made of glorious glass bricks, sparkling with all of your joyous thoughts and emotions, and allowing the glow of your being to shine out to light the world.

And so, you have built the perfect environment, one that is safe and secure and yet one that is also a beacon for others. And it all begins with what you think and what you say, what you choose to do and be in every moment of your life.

Right now, fill your heart with beauty and joy. Right now, let joy course through your veins. Right now, picture the most beautiful day you have ever experienced and allow that emotion to live within your body. And as you do this, know that this moment of pure joy has added a beautiful glass brick to your house of wonder, your house of I Am, the perfect and glowing shelter that is your life.

You are infinitely powerful. Your power knows no bounds. You not only have the power to create a world, you are creating it, consciously or unconsciously, right now. Whatever your world is, you are creating it, moment by moment. And if your previous thoughts, words and deeds have created a world you do not wish to dwell in any longer, then change your thoughts, change your words, bring beauty and joy into your life through conscious choice, and the world outside you will begin to shift as well.

It cannot help it, for such is your power.

I wish you love and peace,

(c) Carrie Hart

Visit www.carriehart.
com for music, poetry, meditations, healing crystals and messages from the last several months, as well as information on my talk/show, the Courage of the Creative Spirit.
* www.PowerAnimalsUnl *

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