Friday 29 August 2008

The role of lightworkers in this World

Lightworkers everywhere have awakened to a call from within. The feeling of coming here to do something, even if they aren't quite sure what it is, won't go away. The earth is out of balance, there are too many toxic situations and hidden agendas. Oppression, demoralization and deception bogs down the evolution of the planet. The time has come for All to be brought to light. Destiny has been set in motion and what is unseen will be exposed. Covert and manipulative operations are being uncovered every day, usually by lightworkers.

Lightworkers share a common purpose of illuminating the truth. Lightworkers don't take what they're told at face value. While others may blindly follow without question, lightworkers question and examine commonly held beliefs. What has been accepted at face value by previous generations will be thoroughly scrutinized by lightworkers. These dogmatic concepts seem superficial or outdated to many lightworkers. Just because "it's always been that way" will not be enough. They won't respect someone just because of a position they hold or the possessions they have. Anyone who hopes to influence lightworkers must be accountable and earn their respect.

Lightworker is a broad term. A lightworker may or may not be members of the new soul groups incarnating here, commonly called Indigos and Crystals. They may be incarnated from the many different realms of the universe. Many lightworkers are souls who normally do not choose to come to life on earth but are doing so now because of the evolutionary shift taking place on the planet. Lightworkers volunteered to be here during the transition and advancement this planet. A common thread among all lightworkers is a need and desire to illuminate the Truth. There is a large group of souls that have been in power on this planet for millennia. These soul groups have incarnated in power positions over and over again building up manipulative karma that is toxic. The major change happening right now is that these powerful soul groups aren't blindly accepted as just and worthy leaders by lightworkers or by the subsequent generations to come. This is causing a huge rift and what situations arise from these changes and shifts of power remains to be seen. It depends on so many different choices and alternatives that will be created by the billions of incarnated souls-the script is still being written. As lightworkers, it's important to be positive and embrace these changes. The "powers that be" now won't be able to subsist once the veil of illusion is thinned and the truth completely revealed. Because of this, those in power are worried and are hoping we'll all believe in the doom and gloom scenario they're creating to surround this change. To counteract this murky energy, we need to shine our beautiful lights even brighter and hold the vibration of truth within ourselves.

Like all people, lightworkers incarnate with no memories of their life mission. As they awaken at some point in their life, questions begin to surface. What is my life purpose? Why am I here? Why did I choose this life and these challenges? So many lightworkers tend look outside themselves for answers. It will be difficult for them to break out of the habit of wanting someone else to tell them where to go and what to do. Others will feel they know exactly what to do and find their path changing as their purpose matures. Many lightworkers will be attracted to many concepts and ideas simultaneously and become confused on which is the "right" path for them. Some will search for a guru or a leader hoping that someone on earth has all the answers. And, there are the lightworkers who are contacted directly by the spiritual realm and told what their role is. What they're told may be specific or it may be vague.

So what are you here to do? We should be flexible and know that there may be many different jobs and situations that are part of our spiritual purpose. Don't get stuck or attached to any one path or situation as there will be many changes over the coming years. Let your passion be your guide. Know who you are and what interests you. Don't look for someone else to tell you what you are here for. Instead, go within and ask your Higher Self, "Why am I here and what should I be doing? What did the Divine envision when I was created?" Really pay attention to what comes through after you ask. Be aware of synchronicity happening around you. Signs that come in three's. Listen to your inner voice. We are all unique creations of the Divine and everyone has different strengths and talents.

As with all of the Holy Spirit's creations, each lightworker brings light into this realm in a unique way. All lightworkers have the affinity to communicate with the spiritual realm and many chose to use their intuitive gifts to help others. Of course this isn't always the path that's right for everyone. Many lightworker souls chose the path of the healer or counsellor but the way they do it will vary greatly. For every gifted Reiki Master, there is a comedian lightworkers who heals with joy and laughter, bringing more light to our lives. There are lightworkers who are blessed with high I.Q.'s and part of their purpose to prove new theories or disprove outdated ones. Certain talented souls chose to bring in more light through the beauty of art and music. Catalyst lightworkers are the pioneers and debaters, or in the extreme, downright rebellious, and are here to awaken the sleeping community and prompt them to question what they've always accepted as truth. Warrior lightworkers are advocates and defenders of the weak and helpless. Teaching lightworkers are motivators who turn the self-defeated into the self-empowered. There are also the writers and teachers getting the new information and stories out there. The list never ends. These are all "God-given" gifts. Our true calling in life, lightworker or not, always involves something we are passionate about doing. Allow your innovative, radiant Self to emerge by first going within and fully understand who you are and then emerge with passion and joy.

Copyright 2001-2007 Janice Olson-All Rights Reserved.
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