Wednesday, 30 July 2008

World Success Day - 8th August 2008

I've decided to invent a new holiday - World Success Day.

This came about because in the UK at the moment, the negativity and moaning about EVERYTHING is just off the wall now.

It's reached a point where folk in the street are getting fed up with it!

So I was at an art shop, buying some paints, when I asked the proprietor, who I know quite well, how business was.

She said, "Oh, not too bad. It's never exactly storming in August, the art students are away and people aren't indoors much painting at this time of year. Although if you believe what they say on the TV - honestly, I'm really fed up with it every time I switch it on! Credit crunch, credit crunch, credit crunch!"

I was about to reply, go into a diatribe about negative thinking and how BAD that is for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING when another customer beat me to it, a retired guy with a big canvas under his arm.

"All that moaning makes me sick!" he exclaimed. "For God's sake! I've been through a war, I tell you, and that was difficult. They should be glad of what they got!"

Before long, the entire shop was debating, heatedly at that, how they were simply sick to death of the constant barrage of terror, global warming, more terror, more credit crunch, EVEN more terror and basically just wanted to be left alone to get on with life!

I thought, wow, it's not just me and my fellow personal developers! There is an actual groundswell in the population, business people, retired folk, moms with kids - NOBODY likes this endless moaning and whining.


So the next day, I find out that this year, we have a day whose date is 08.08.08 - week on Friday, actually.

Triple 8 for prosperity tri-fold - and that date won't come again for another hundred years!

Smack in the middle of the "credit crunch"!

I thought, right, let's do something. Let's catch on to that auspicious breeze that's existing there AND TURN OUR FORTUNES AROUND, set our fortunes in the opposite direction where this endless negativity is leading the way to doom, gloom, meltdown and disaster, namely towards success, enjoyment, personal triumph over adversity, and having a damn good time whilst you're at it!

Let's have ....

... a drumroll please ...


I have an internet ezine with subscribers from every single country in the world.

Our subscribers know ALL ABOUT how bad negativity is for your energy system, for your body, for your mind, and for all the actions you take.

I won't have to preach to them, or convince them that this is not just a sterling idea, but even something someone needs to do, really, to inject a bit of forward momentum and lightness into the ether of the world.

They'll get it right away!

And because every single person who gets our ezine actually WANTS a better life for themselves, for those they love, and for all of humanity at large, AND is proactive in working towards achieving that in their own ways, I know for a fact that they're going to do this, all around the world, namely to


on Friday,
the eighth day
in the eighth month
in the eigth year
of the THIRD Millennium

(can it get any better? LOL!)

And it's easy. All you have to do to take part is to take five minutes to have a think on successes past, then present, and then make your success goals for the future and toast your success with a glass of wine or water.

It's as easy as that.

Everyone can do that, and I know everyone will!

It's short notice because I only just thought of it, but if you have friends, family, colleagues, do it with them and make an entire success party out of it. Or a success dinner, a success barbeque, a success toast in a pub - wherever you are, you can do it on the day.

And next year, who knows?

It's going to be the eighth of the eight again, and a real success celebration of all good things that have happened, all the good things that are here and then those still to come definitely has a place in *any calender*.

The beauty of this date is that it's completely clean, no religious festivals tied into it, no middle age meanings, no stone age nothin', no tradition of tribe X - it's fresh and new for us fresh new people who want to live well and experience joy, reward, personal triumph and everything that each one of us defines as SUCCESS in life, love, business to celebrate, and call more of the same into our lives, big time.

This is a celebration where EVERYONE can join in. If you have a family and loads of friends, cool, make a big party out of it. If you're completely alone, cool! Do it with yourself and the Universe at large. If you're too weak to raise a glass, do it in Sanctuary.

EVERYONE can join in.

Every human being wants to be happy.

The Creative Order DESIGNED US THAT WAY.

We set our course towards that, keep focused on that, put our energies into that each one, and the individual begins to lift those around them, and eventually, even society must follow suit.

I'm totally into getting some more positive energies into the ether of this planet and I'm actually really looking forward to MY success celebration on the very first "World Success Day" week on Friday.

Join it, let's do this thing and let's do something good, for ourselves, and for each other.

Glasses raised high!


(c) Dr Silvia Hartmann

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Opening the Galactic Infinity Highway

Watch out, watch out - with the advent of 8:8:8 energies we are about to experience some enormous changes. Hold on tight ....


Beloved Masters, many time/event triggers within the Sacred Heart core of humanity and within the crystalline construct of the Earth are being activated as ALL Creation within this universal experience moves more rapidly along the spiral of evolutionary ascension. One of the major time triggers for the activation of the eighth-dimensional Infinity Gateway will occur on your calendar date of August 8, 2008 or 8-8-8.

An important cosmic moment will take place at that time, for the eighth-dimensional portal will be accessible to those of you who are diligently working to balance and harmonize your frequency patterns so that you will be able to integrate the maximum Creator Light during these times of unprecedented opportunity for spiritual growth. By doing so you, the vanguard, are opening and clearing the pathway for those following behind you. Even though there is no linear time in the higher realms, these event triggers are initiated during specific times which are important to humanity and, therefore, will more readily inspire participation and remembrance of the event.

Beginning with the Total Eclipse of the Sun in the sign of Leo on August 1, 2008, humanity and the Earth will experience another cycle of acceleration and expansion of consciousness. There will also be a partial Eclipse of the Moon on August 16, 2008 in Aquarius, the solar sign of the coming Golden Age. August 16th is also the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence which took place 21 years ago in 1987. At that time, many people around the Earth awakened, for a cosmic alarm clock went off which triggered a massive Divine discontent among the Star Seed who came to Earth to be the wayshowers and the advance guard for the ascension process that is now in full swing.

The Figure Eight Turned on its Side Is The Infinity Sign of Eternal Life and connects you with the brightness and blessings of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. The 8-8-8 Galactic Gateway is being flung open to allow the full measure of Adamantine Particles to flow forth from the heart center of the Supreme Creator via our Father/Mother God. These particles, which are filled with unlimited potential, are being made available for all those who have prepared their human vessels to receive this gift of Life/Light. It will be of great benefit if you make your preparations now for the 8-8-8 Galactic Gateway activation. It has been called the Lion's gate; however, it could better be called the Royal Gateway, for it is the gateway to your Divine heritage and the true beginning of your return journey to your many mansions in the heavenly realms that you created on your journey into density.

You are being prepared to meet and merge with many of the facets of your Higher Self that you left in a multitude of Pyramids of Light throughout this universe. Those of you on the path are gradually returning to an understanding of universal laws and cosmic truths. As you traverse the path toward enlightenment, you will gradually rectify and eliminate all erroneous concepts from the past that have created your false, creed-bound traditions and your limited reality of scarcity, unworthiness, superstition and fear. Via self-examination, you must develop a new creed of life and decide whether you will follow the path of Light or the path of the shadowlands.

We are asking those of you who have faithfully followed our teachings to join together in the World Pyramid of Light in the highest fifth dimension during this important time. As you unite with your spiritual brothers and sisters from around the world, we ask you to join in a great prayer together: "BELOVED FATHER/MOTHER GOD, I ASK FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD, THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE EARTH AND ALL HUMANITY." Breathe in the LIGHT, and breathe OUT the sacred Adamantine Particles of Creation activated by your unconditional loving energy. "BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE ** BREATHE IN LIGHT ** BREATHE OUT LOVE." The Infinity Breath exercise will enhance your efforts and increase the personal benefits you will derive; however, it is not necessary for this powerful meditation and prayer to be effective.

By doing so, you will radiate forth from your Sacred Heart core the Adamantine Particles of Life/Light that you have drawn forth from the Creator Source, and it will be gathered and magnified one thousand fold. This blessed elixir will be used to assist humanity and the Earth, it will reinforce the determination and dedication of the righteous, dedicated souls, and will gradually cut off the resources of those who are only interested in power, control and domination of the masses. Also, while in communion with your Father/Mother God, radiate your gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the many blessings that are being bestowed upon you. Not with words, beloveds, but with an outpouring of love from within the core of your Sacred Heart. It is also a most wondrous gift to yourself, for you will know without a doubt that you are connected to the Source of ALL as the love is returned to you in greater and greater measure.

When your Sacred Heart blazes forth with the Living Fire of Adamantine Particles, which are the particles of infinite Creation, you will begin to manifest miracles beyond imagining. When you regain access to this precious Elixir of life and ignite it with your loving intention, all the qualities of God-consciousness begin to flow through you and out into the world of form. The practice of discernment requires the use of the wisdom and the advanced intelligence stored within your Sacred Mind. However, you must not judge those whose truth does not conform with your own. Discernment is deciding what your personal truth is, which creates the rules and wisdom you are to live by. The mind can be a masterful servant, but without its connection to the Sacred Heart it can be a destructive master. That is why it is imperative that you activate and empower both the Sacred Heart and the Sacred Mind.

The ego attracts disharmony and dissatisfaction, and causes you to look outside of yourself for solutions and a state of equilibrium. The ego mind judges and condemns; however, the Sacred Mind requires that you filter information/knowledge through the Sacred Heart, thereby making the best choices for the greatest good. Moving from judgment to discernment means making choices via the wisdom of the Sacred Mind and the compassion of the Sacred Heart. This means developing your own creed based upon the truth as you know it and then living that truth to the best of your ability, while allowing others the same right. Seeking and living your truth is your covenant with our Father/Mother God and it is the path of harmonious and fruitful living. When you separate yourself from the Supreme Creator and the God parents of this universe, you also separate yourself from the flow of Adamantine Particles and diminishes your Life Line to the Source.

Beloveds, as you gain self-mastery, you will begin to view life through a filter of love. You will become an observer and a positive interactive force, not a reactor who reinforces or compounds a negative situation that comes your way for your learning. When your prayers are wrapped in the loving energy of your Sacred Heart, they are always answered for your greatest good. Prayers from the ego-self are answered by allowing you to seek your own solution through the filter of your misconceptions, and via the distorted frequency patterns of your inappropriate actions. You must embrace all facets of your God-consciousness. Do not see the trials and tests in your life as punishment, but as an opportunity to discover the illusion of limitation you have built around you which is keeping you from true freedom of expression and creation. Self-mastery means that you decide what you wish to experience and the path you will follow. You initiate action instead of reacting to circumstances and other people's actions. As a human Being, you must be aware of negative emotions as they arise. Immediately neutralize them through the transformative power of forgiveness.

Many of you on the path are very old souls and are experiencing your last reincarnation on Earth, if you so desire. You have completed your earthly mission and did not need to return, but agreed to do so in order to be a wayshower for your soul families and loved ones. Before incarnating, you agreed to help anchor the higher frequencies of Light needed to assure that the greatest number of souls would be ready and able to take part in the ascension process now in progress. We know who you are. We of the higher realms recognize each of you through your Soul/energy signatures. As your intuitive abilities increase, you will also be able to recognize us through our loving vibrational patterns or our energetic signature. Once the shield that you have placed over your Solar Power Center is removed and your Sacred Heart is ignited with Adamantine Particles, the beauty of your Soul and the fire of Spirit will always shine through, and your auric field will begin to expand and grow in radiance.

You are laying the foundation for higher truths: a new creed for all humankind, a creed of freedom, equality, abundance and peaceful co-existence and, most important, a closer connection with our Father/Mother God and with us.

Beloved sons and daughters of the Light, the glorious gifts and opportunities being offered to you are beyond the comprehension of many of you and the unawakened masses. The information we, the servants of our Mother/Father God, have given you over the past few decades has never been revealed to the masses before. The secret wisdom teachings were reserved for the select few, the initiates and disciples who took an oath to reject their loved ones, all earthly pleasures and possessions. Slowly and laboriously, sometimes over several lifetimes, they dedicated themselves to intense study, deprivation of physical needs, and rigorous training, exercises and initiations. Many perished or fell by the wayside, for some of the tests were dangerous and beyond the capabilities of all but the most disciplined and hardy souls. Many of you who are fearful and hesitate to move forward on the path of illumination were among those who failed or perished in past initiations. You did not fail, beloveds, for you helped set the stage and open the higher frequency pathways for the miraculous times you are in the midst of presently.

During these unprecedented times, you are not being asked to abandon your family, your possessions or earthly pleasures. In fact, just the opposite is encouraged. As a self-master you must strive to live in both your inner and outer worlds; if you deny either one, you are not fully conscious and you are out of balance. You have not been asked to retreat into a remote sanctuary to gain en-Lighten-ment, but to create a sacred sanctuary, a column of refined frequencies of Light around you, so that no matter where you go, you will take your sacred space with you. You are being offered an opportunity to don your cloak of Light and accept the crown of immortality as you join the ranks of 'ascending masters'.

Dearest hearts, be of great courage and resolve, for you are the guiding Lights for humanity. The rarified Light frequencies and codes of ascension must flow through you and out into the world.

You are honored for your dedication and steadfastness, and you are loved profoundly, I AM Archangel Michael

© 1998-2006 Ronna Herman

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Note from the Universe

Actually, it's not as if your angels can just drop everything they're doing and come running whenever you call for assistance, guidance, and love.

You pretty much are everything they're doing.

Before you even ask,

- The Universe

Note from Callie: I absolutely adore TUT and their free Notes from the Universe each day - they always make me smile, as well as get me thinking deeply! Why not have a looksee at their site and see what they may have to offer you ...

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

8:8:8 Galactic Gateways Open

88, 888 or 88:88 - As Above So Below and Within - This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.

Galactic Gateways Open

On the morn of July 23, 2008 (or there abouts different for all parts of the world) an ancient alignment takes place. The star Sirius rises before the daystar, our sun, issuing a declaration to all that the ATLANTEAN-EGYPTIAN-SIRIAN NEW YEAR has been birthed. This is a doorway of unprecedented opportunity to swim foreword with the stellar surge of awareness that precedes the daylight.

Since ancient times Sirius has been known and revered in many cultures. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 bc the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played a vital role in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then comes forth to earth through the sun's rays.

As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun on July 23, pre-dawn, we will have another opportunity to activate the 11 Christ seeds within. These are dormant DNA encodings that await stellar emanations and configurations in order to open sealed soul records/truths of each Light Being held within the human costume.

On July 23, 2008 go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you. Asking you to move your awareness into the galactic storehouse of knowledge that has quietly awaited this time. It is in the quiet times in-between words and thoughts that you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.

On August 8, 2008 we are given a rare opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8:8 LIONS GATE. This Awakening will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codon of each strand of DNA, which resides within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.

In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within the earth physically and dimensionally, under, above and around sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of Egypt guarded by the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a specific stellar alignment an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred encodings.

We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever issued to earth, from the beginning of time on earth through out time in our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our intention to receive these energies.

The only way earth can move forward is through the heart (anagram for earth). Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Since the Universe knows we are stubborn of nature it has aligned some stars to shoot that cosmic cupid arrow our way. Activating a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included within, without any effort.

About The August Eclipses Researched From The Internet

There is a Total Eclipse of the Sun on August 1, 2008 at 10 degrees of Leo at 3:13 AM MST. This is a South Node Eclipse and there is more of a focus on relationships and partnerships. The ball is in the other person’s court for the next six months and you may need to put others’ needs in front of your own. There is also a theme of separation with this eclipse. This summer, you may walk away from something that you were not able to end in the beginning of the year. During this time be careful of disclosing secrets, because they are more likely to come out into the open. (cats out of the bag)Those born around the 1st or 2nd of anymonth will be most affected by this eclipse. If you are a Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus get ready for big changes!. This eclipse energy is a repeat of solar eclipses that happened in 1972 and 1990. For many of us a negative situation that has been going on for quite a while may suddenly clear up in the next six months. The total eclipse is visible over Northern Canada, Greenland, Siberia and China.

Leo solar eclipses always bring changes to world leaders and royalty. Watch for big changes around the globe and in the current political spectrum over the next six months.

There is a partial eclipse of the Moon on August 16, 2008 at 24 Aquarius at 2:16 PM MST. It will be visible over Africa, Australia, Indonesia and Europe. This eclipse is aligned with two fixed stars. Deneb Algedi is located in the constellation of Capricorn and is related to law and justice. There is also an association of this fixed star with the back and spine. Sadalsuud is located in the constellation of Aquarius and is related to good luck and going with the flow. It is also related to happy female relationships. If you meet someone new around the time of a Lunar Eclipse you may form a special friendship.

***The stars that come to us to lead us down the aisle of the 8:8 LIONS GATE as taken from Nick Fiorenza.

Eridanus is the River of Life, and Achernar, Alpha Eridanus is the end of the river. Achernar indicates fulfillment, completion, integration, and rewards from what has been gained from the long and winding incarnational journey of life. Achernar reveals we have paid our dues, we have arrived from the winding tumultuous river of life to the ocean of being.

Ankaa, Alpha Phoenix, is the lucida of the Thunderbird. Ankaa embodies the essence conveyed in the symbol of the phoenix rising from the ashes of the trials of the long and winding road in full illuminated glory. In another mythical imaging, Ankaa is the talisman upon the staff of the high priest-scientist Aaron, brother of Miriam and Moses. The Ankh / Ankaa is emblematic of the fulfillment of a journey, a mission begun long ago. It is Aaron’s amulet of power--having claimed the wisdom and fulfillment from the journey. Ankaa is the emblem of Universal (Uranian) Love.

Tyl of Draco lies in the far northern Heavens. Tyl is one of many stars composing Draco the Dragon which lies coiled around and guarding the North Celestial Pole. Tyl is the human cry for fulfillment at a very fundamental human level. Tyl is the cry of desire for one's physical needs to be met, for one's truth to be heard, and for one's dreams to be realized. Tyl is the burning cry in the initiatory fires of life. Tyl asks us to honor that life's fire can sometimes hurt like Hell; to hear the cry; to not deny, squelch or pretend all is well in either denial or uppity arrogance. Tyl asks us to be real, to honor the pain we feel, to honor our humanness, and to have compassion for the struggle of others. Only unconditional acceptance of all emotion--especially pain--not the suppression of it, opens the transmutative process within to allow the searing, burning, digestive juices of Cetus to truly transform our lives and to set us free

Mesartim and Sharatan are portents of strength, applied force to change, new beginnings, adventure, transmutation and great rewards; but they are of opportunities that may quickly open and close, and thus require our immediate response to grasp them without hesitation when they occur

Capella is the messenger of light and the driver of the chariot. Capella, although said to have a stormy character, brings guidance from an un-biased spiritual perspective that breaks a stronghold, being removed (lying north of the galactic equator) from the dramatics of the political-religious factions fighting in the physical trenches of life. Capella and the stars of Auriga provide inspiration to mobilize what otherwise would be a rather sluggish process. Capella is actually a double-binary star system consisting of four stars: two yellow giants and two red dwarfs. Capella acts as a welcomed beacon of light that embraces and illuminates the paradox of duality and side-taking.

Columba the Dovestar (also the constellation present during the 11:11 activation energies) creates an opening between the spirit world and human world that provides divine dispensation, rescue heavenly sent, unexpected assistance, a turn for the better, as in finding calm after a storm or land after a long voyage lost at sea. The Dove brings a reward far outweighing the burden of the experience, a harmonious solution or means from a seemingly irresolvable situation or stalemate. The Dove is a sign that a bright and prosperous future is to come, and indicates creativity through new companionship.

These stellar connections and dimensional shifts will serve to open us to unique possibilities not part of our cellular awareness. Whichever way you look at it or shake it up the ancient Nu (the birth/seed sound of ancient Egypt) becomes the New. Leading us unto the street of free will, up and down the path of personal choice with a large helping of the sacred and a sprinkling of the divine. We are destined to become more than we know. This new mirror reflection will give to us what we have been seeking for eons.

August 8, is a Natural doorway. Nothing forced, nothing prodded, nothing stressful. Just a natural downloading of remembering from the heavens initiating our dormant light codes. Lifting us up to a place where we can see the parade of light that is yet to come. Set your intention as you set you watch. Allow the floods of the ancient Nile to fertilize your soul with nutrients that are needed for your growth.

Time has quickened and in August the Time matrix shifts into unknown areas. In the time of August 2008 what was named the Philadelphia Experiment (August 12, 1943) is opening up again to birth another Time transformation. Time, as we perceive it will shift. TIME known and unknown conjuncts itself, as the timing chain of the universe pauses to lick its past wounds. The 'Time Gates' open on 8/12/2008. All that was hidden is seen. all that was seen is now clarified in the light of a new knowledge imbedded within the DNA of a dormant seed. The past and future walk hand in hand in the now as forlorn lovers. Revealing all possibilities to a newly birthed remembering.

(c) Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Saturday, 19 July 2008


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Dear ones we wish to speak to you on the subject of trust today. It nearly breaks our hearts to see so many in fear over their well being. If you truly knew how much God loved you, you would never fear again. You would simply hand over your problems to God, act as guided, and consider life a grand adventure. We understand however, that it is difficult on your planet earth to find this faith and trust. The human mind has gained far too much control over the spirit and insists on reason, proof, and validation that God is with you. And yet, unless you release your need to have all the answers you will never get your validation.

God, dear ones, does not think like a human. God thinks in terms of satisfying the greatest good for all involved, helping you learn about loving yourselves, and loving one another more. So many of you are worried about your finances, and from a human perspective there is good reason. From a divine perspective, however, God has good reasons for allowing things to be as they are. When your economies are down, you get more creative, waste less, find greater joy in what you have, turn to your relationships and friends for satisfaction, rather than material goods. Humanity seeks out innovative solutions - for example other ways to fuel your vehicles, grow your food, and transfer items to and fro. When your economy is down, dear ones, the gifts you give must come from the heart, rather than the nearest store. You value yourselves more and your stuff less when your economies are stressed, and we pray that humanity will carry these values forward as they recognize the very great abundance of the spirit that occurs when times are, in human terms, a little tighter.

If you are worried about paying your bills, keeping a roof over your head or food on the table, give your problems to God. Dear Ones, he takes care of entire universes. Why would you ever feel as if he were not going to take care of you as well. Surrender your concerns, your fears, and your worries to God. Talk to Him as if he is your best friend for there is no better friend than the one that created you. And in surrendering your worries and your need to control the solutions, you make room for God to work in your life and your heart. If you are always desparate to find the answers yourselves, you may be so stressed that you miss opportunities and signals from God. If however, you are convinced of His love, you will expect good to come your way and therefore you will see it and know it when it arrives.

Have faith and trust in God dear ones. This is not the same as blind faith and trust in human beings - because not all human beings are, as you say, good for their word. However, if you place your faith in God, if you calm your mind and heart, then you can trust your own guidance, for at long last the mind will be at peace and the soul will be clearly heard in your lives.

We love you so very much,

-- The Angels

(c) Ann Albers,

Friday, 18 July 2008

Full Moon energies

Beloved Ones,

Ka-powie! Can you feel the explosive charges in the air?! Like fireworks, the energies of this full moon are super-charged particles of light, meant to blast open and blast apart and blast into the depths of your hearts. For those whose hearts are already open, the charges penetrate at a deeper level to clear out the limitations from the Greater Love. For those who have not allowed their hearts to soften are experiencing the big “ka-booms”…all is perfectly placed to bring us together…it just feels like things have to get blown apart to get there... All is well. Keep breathing and keep knowing that there is a Greater Purpose in these explosive times. If all about you is blown apart, or raw in the middle, or maybe just bending slightly – no matter what, the message is always thus: stay heart-centered. You may have to first match the energy coming at you, like catching a speeding baseball in your glove coming at you at 100 kilometers an hour or the shriek of a wild bird in your ear, but always soften, always breathe and always know that all is well.

There is nothing coming at you that you can’t handle and there is nothing that isn’t part of the beautiful dance of the Great Awakening. Running screaming into the night may be tempting, but you will just find yourself exhausted and lost at dawn, facing another day without having found whatever it was that you were running to/from. Better just stay put and breathe yourself into the centre of your heart, let the change energy crack open the crusty parts and go deeper into your centre…for that is where the Greater Understanding lies. If it were in the dark woods out there, you’d have found it long ago.

Okay, now you are paying attention to your heart. Now what? No use pacing around outside the perimeter, it’s okay – go inside. Check out the entryway, cruise around the lobby and begin your descent into the recesses of your own experience. Think of it like a grand hotel with extraordinary architecture and after you enter the polished golden doors, you are awestruck by what is inside. It has the feeling of accumulated memories…as if you wished the walls could talk…and so, begin the conversation. See which corridors are well lit and what doorways lead to where…like a curious child set free to explore, check out what’s happening behind every door…creak open the gilded doors to view the sparkling chandeliers in the grand ballroom, glide through the silent swinging doors of the kitchen, visit the groaning machinery in the furnace room in the basement, and ride the brass elevator up to see the panoramic view from the ambassador’s suite…in your exploration, you may discover secret doors to the ancient catacombs underneath, or rooms that hold memories of every emotion possible, but let the songs of this grand hotel sing inside your heart…it is an organ that must play the full repertoire of music in order to know the fullness of the human experience. This is how you turn yourself inside out. This is how you descend in order to ascend. This is how you feel yourself in the human experience so that you know that you are divine. So visit every room. Explore the vastness of your emotions and the experiences of your heart that it grows and expands.

So then what? An expanded heart is an open heart and an open heart is connected to all things and all things are connected to the One. See how this path complicates in order to simplify?! When you feel the depth and expansiveness of your own being, then you are able to drop your own edges, and in this open state, you begin to weave yourself into each other. This does not mean you lose yourself, it means you are able to feel your own individual golden threads as you weave into the Great Tapestry of All Things. You begin to feel the individual part you play while at the same time you join with other golden threads to create together. At once, you are the One that is becoming the One. Each individual thread recognizes each other by the radiance of the heart. As we have said before, this is your GPS system, so be sure to explore its full capabilities while you are on your trip!

So what? And so you use the beacon of your heart to find each other, and through the guidance of the heart you are led to create together, and by the magnificent experience of creation through the basis of Love (the heart knows no other way) you deliberately – consciously - create a new world, thread by thread. God created itself consciously to experience creation and ended up becoming unconscious through miscreating in order to recreate itself consciously in order to know itself as God. So don’t worry, you’re just at the “in order to recreate itself consciously” part…and what a glorious experience it already is, for the golden threads are weaving everyday. Just decide that you are willing to turn to your heart, and your conscious, heart-centred-in-every-moment GPS system will kick in from there. And when you are in your heart, you can no longer contribute to the miscreations; you become a weaver of the new that is only capable of creating through Love. All about you that is not Love will naturally fall away and that won’t matter because you are focused on creating by Love.

So what are you waiting for? Why not spend this full moon in the most magnificent hotel in the world? No reservations required. Meet you there.

With deep, abiding affection and support of all that you are,

The Council of Light that is Within

© 2008 Rebecca Couch and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart.

Holistic Feathers

Refreshed and truly alive!


As the more eagle-eyed among you would have noticed, I've been missing-in-action for the past two weeks ... I am so sorry to have been gone for so long but I have been in the middle of some amazing life-changes and its taken a while to catch up with the business stuff since I returned home!

So where have I been?

I've been away to heal my heart and soul!

My birthday present this year was a retreat in the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside, in a divine place called Skendleby Hall. A magnificent building filled with the most amazing energy, it felt as if it were still a home although it ceased being "just that" five years ago when its new owners took her on.

Working with Anne Jones, a truly gifted healer, and 17 members of my 'soul family' it was a hard few days, lots of old stuff cleared and I really do feel reborne!

I came back full of pink light and radiance, having travelled to my soul and had a good chinwag with my Higher Self and a few other beings who joined our party too. The best birthday present ever.

Full of energy, I was delighted to take some time out at the weekend and build a new forum for Anne (Make Ripples) and if you'd like to come along and see what we have started, we would love to welcome you as a new member.

So service will now be fully resumed ... no more retreats or even travel for a while to come, back to business and builders!

With love & blessings

Callie xx

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Wearing Away of Our Ego Selves

The most recent Whats Up On Planet Earth! energy alert message from Karen Bishop

Connecting to Our Brothers and Sisters
Chaos, swirling energies, unpredictability, overload, feeling apathetic and lethargic, anxiety, sleeping like a baby and having insomnia for brief periods as well, losing things, having wonderful new connections, and helping our animal companions with ailments are but just a few of the many and varied manifestations of the incredible energies that the summer solstice has created.

The solstice energies served to dislodge much. In this regard, much movement was created. Like an enormous eruption from beneath the earth, much of anything and everything was jolted out of its old position, old rut, old pattern, or basically any space that used to feel remotely comfortable and familiar.

If you are a sensitive, you may feel that you have been hit by a tidal wave, traumatized, severely clobbered by who knows what, or perhaps even finding you have a great need for rejuvenation, rest, and some solace of a much needed order.

When the energies rev up, as they have been doing of late, especially since the solstice, we can begin to feel beaten down. Ascension energies at times seem to wear us away, with no break, reprieve, or time to rest in between the high pressured waves that serve to polish us and bring us oh so closer to Source and our authentic selves.

We are being worn away so that what is deep inside of us can be revealed. In this regard, our ego selves cannot seem to keep up, get in the way, or even navigate things. When we begin feeling helpless, powerless, weak, exhausted, or not in control, it is then that we open and can begin to connect to our brothers and sisters and to our authentic and true selves.

When we surrender, we then begin the new and perfect connections that the solstice energies came to deliver.

We are being seriously squeezed now from every direction. This can cause feelings of great apathy about our work, our futures, and even the effectiveness of what we believed we were here to do and create. As a part of our ego selves begin a rapid depart, we may feel that nothing much of us is in charge or in the know. But feeling apathetic and not caring anymore has always been a continual phase of the ascension process and it always passes.

With all this occurring at once, we are literally being pushed into connecting to one another. We know now more than ever before that we can no longer go it alone. We absolutely must come together. I have been writing for several years now that we will be forming small communities of mutual support. As we evolve higher and higher into higher vibrating ways of being and living, this blueprint will begin to finally form. We were prepped for this time for the past several years, and especially the past several months. It is now time. We are indeed ready, even if we feel we may not be. It has been decided by our souls at the higher levels that the waiting period is now over and we will now move fully into our very new beginnings.

We have been preparing for so long for this. And now, the outside realities that the higher energies are creating, notably the fall, are supporting this very new reality into forming itself out of grave necessity if nothing else. So then, all is in divine and perfect order indeed.

And this is when the new beginnings will finally "begin." We may feel that suddenly we do not know who we are or what we are indeed here to create. We may feel insecure, unconfident, ineffective, or perhaps greatly confused. We may feel rocky, ungrounded, fearful, unfocused, and as though we have lost our bearings. It is the solstice energies of great movement that are creating these feelings.

We may feel that we do not know anything at all. We may feel that we do not know what will indeed happen next. We may feel that we cannot count on a thing, as when one thing adjusts and changes, a domino effect occurs and everything down the line is thus affected as well.

But in these times of great change and new beginnings, we are also being given the opportunity to connect to new and more highly vibrating relationships, endeavors, and anchors. As much begins to change and re-align, we then begin to re-connect. Things we never believed would ever happen will begin to happen now. Miracles, relationships, and opportunities of the divine will find themselves at our doorsteps.

We may begin manifesting so much wonder so very rapidly that we can begin to feel overloaded. We may feel overloaded as well with any type of manifestation that has arrived in our consciousness as a brief thought....whether a higher vibrating one or not.

The key now is to get out of the way. The key now is to surrender and let the divine enter. The key now is not to navigate out of fear and a knowingness stemming from what used to be, but to allow for a new and better scenario to enter that one would never expect.

The key now is to come together as brothers and sisters and to support one another. The key now is to know that our ego selves are no longer in charge.

I can guarantee you that we are being highly protected by the divine at each and every turn. We were not meant to suffer through this process, and if we allow it to be so, we will thrive in great wonder in times to come.

A few days ago I decided it was time to break down all the cardboard boxes I had discarded directly outside my back door in my outside porch area when I unpacked. As I began this process, I suddenly felt a great pain in my foot. I had been stung by a wasp, and now needed to go into the house, put my foot up, and tend to it.

Phil came over and doctored me up, and together we began again to tend to the removal of the boxes. In a very short time, we found a rattlesnake directly underfoot. It coiled and hissed, and Phil was able to remove it from the premises. (I have since had a conversation with the snake community and everything is now fine...)

The wasp had indeed protected me from the rattlesnake. And this is the way it is and always has been. Even when we feel we may be being beaten down, in actuality, we are only being protected and watched over. And although it may not feel like it at times, all is always right where it needs to be.

Even though it may feel rocky right now for some of us, at the highest levels things are being put into place. New connections are being made. Higher level doors are opening. Things we may have always wanted are beginning to arrive. We will no longer have to go it alone.

And while we may feel relegated to staying nearly housebound for a variety of reasons, it is only because we are readying for these very new connections. The miracles are beginning now and dis-connecting from the old systems, structures, and ways of doing things is a great assurance to arriving in this higher vibrating reality.

As we begin to connect together with our brothers and sisters, we will then begin introducing these new ways for the masses who are needing our assistance, and we will then be assured of thriving as it was indeed intended.

We are the ones holding the light now. As we evolve higher and higher, it is a natural part of the process to rely on our guides and non-physical companions less and less. They become inaccessible to us. This is because we eventually begin to vibrate where they are and we literally become them...these higher aspects of ourselves, as we are and have always been one in the same. And as we receive this light from one another, we will begin to form the beautiful grid of the very new world.

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times...

Until next time,
Karen Evolution

"Golden Indigo" Activation

A message from Archangel Michael, channeled by Celia Fenn

Beloved Lightworkers, as you enter into the month of July, you are in the process of integrating the new Light Codes that were received from the Great Central Sun at the time of the Solstice. This Golden Light of Ascended Compassionate Love enters the Earth's grids and creates a Radiance that is activating old memories and new directions in those of you who are open to receiving these waves of Golden Love from Source.

As you are surrounded by this Radiant Love, you activate ancient soul memories of Lemuria, of a time when the Paradise Codes of Love and Balance were fully activated on the Planet. A part of you recognizes this Golden energy and looks back with wonder and joy, anticipating the return of Paradise to the Planet. But, beloved souls, you cannot go backwards, for the movement of your evolution is ever towards new expressions of Divine Love. So, we can say, that while you will fullt integrate and remember the energy of Lemuria within your Being, you are also being activated by the new Light Codes to create the future "New Earth" on your "Blue Star Earth". This will be a Planetary Paradise society that will be new and exciting. It will be unlike anything that the Earth has seen before. It will be your creation and your choice as you co-create with Spirit.

At this time of Global transformation, many of you feel the stress and the strain as the old Earth grids collapse and disintegrate. There is much fear and talk of "pole shifts" and magnetic field disturbances. Beloved souls, do not be afriad. Just as the old social systems crumble and are being renewed, so are the Earth's magnetic and crystalline grids. Beloved ones, you yourselves have participated in the Meditations and Ceremonies of Light that helped to activate the new energetic grid system for the Planet. Why then, are you so afraid when the old crumbles and falls away? Do you not trust that the New Earth grids that you have helped to form and create, will sustain the integrity of the Planet? Beloved Ones, why would we, here in the Spirit Realms, have worked so intensely with you to create this new Golden Crystalline grid system if it were the plan of Spirit to allow great destruction and loss of life? We ask you to know that the Planet herself is moving into her era of Golden Peace, and she has chosen not to allow further pain, suffering and loss of life. She asks that you, as her beloved children, cease to live in fear, and know that the changes and transformations on the Planet are designed with the express purpose of activating the blueprint for a Fifth-dimensional Paradise home for all who live on the Planet. And, as this blueprint is updated from Source via the Great Central Sun and the Light Code transmissions, its new Codes will create Abundance and Light for all Earth's population.

The Golden Indigo Activation
Beloved Lightworkers, now we will speak to you of a topic that brings us much Joy. As you move towards the month of August and the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal in late July, the radiant Golden Light on the Planet increases in intensity and power. This new "surge" of Light that will enter your Earth between July and October, will be the energy that will create a powerful "awakening" in Earth's Collective population, that will be led by what we will term the "Golden Indigo" Activation.

The First and Second waves of Indigo beings who came to the Earth with the express purpose of raising Earth's frequency into the Fifth Dimension and powering the spiritual and social transformation, are now in their twenties and thirties. They are ready to become a potent force in the manifestation of the Paradise Planet that will be Heaven on Earth.

These Indigo Beings have allowed themselves to shift into the Crystal or Christed energy, and they have absorbed the Golden Light into their Light Boides and are beginning to Radiate this Light as "Shining Ones". But, these Beings, whom we will call "Golden Indigos", are not all becoming Healers and Spiritual Teachers. Many are staying within mainstream society, and it is from here that they will power the great changes that will transform society in the next cycle of Light. We ask you, in the next six months, to watch closely how the Golden Indigo energy will become a force and a factor in the life of the USA, especially in the election that lies ahead in the USA. It is the adult Indigos who are making choiced and demanding Peace and a Sustainable Future for the Planet and for their children.

And so, in this time, many of the Indigo First Waves, will feel this deep awakening, and , as a Soul Group, they will know that it is time to awaken to the choices that they came to make, and to create the Fifth Dimensional Paradise of Unconditional Love. We ask that those of you who are experienced and wise Lightworkers, that you work with these newer energies and support them and guide them, as they activate their power to bring change to the Planet. Together, you will create a New Earth.

The Energies for July 2008
The New Moon falls on the 3rd of July, and is in Cancer. Cancer is a Water sign and is ruled by the Moon, so this is a powerful time for connecting with deep inner feelings and emotions. Go deep within, into the depths of your Being, and allow yourself to integrate any feelings or emotions that may have been repressed. As you enter into your own depths, you will find a gentle love that will embrace you and hold you through these integrations as you embrace your Radiance and Light.

On the 13th of July, Venus enters into Leo, and the new Solar Divine Feminine enery begings to stream into the Planet. On the 22nd, the Sun moves into Leo as well bringing the new Solar Masculine energy, and until the 5th of August the God (Ra/Sun) and the Goddess (Isis/Sirius) will be together at the Lion's Gate. They will radiate their combined Golden Lights, Masculine and Feminine, to be received into the crystalline grids of the Planet and into the Hearts of all who are open and ready, and this will generate a wave of Golden Love that will lift the Collective Consciousness on the Planet in late July and early August.

The Full Moon will be on the 18th of July, and this will be in Capricorn/Cancer. Full Moon in Capricorn means that the Moon is in an Earth sign with the Sun in Water. The energies are gentle and stable, a marriage of the Mother (Cancer) and the Father (Capricorn), providing a balanced energy for the reception of the Solar Light that will follow. At this Full Moon, beloved ones, it would be a good time to balance your inner Masculine and Feminine energies to prepare yourselves for the incoming wave of Radiant Love in late July and early August.

And so, we wish you Power, Strength and Joy in your ongoing Journey of Co-Creation on Planet Earth.

© 2006-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global