Tuesday 27 May 2008

You can never be too cleansed

"Many people have difficulty working with Guidance at first.

"I know that when I first learned to communicate with Guidance, I was full of doubt and anxiety, which interfered with my ability to trust. Learning to trust my first impression has been the key to my clear communication, because that first thought or impulse is from my Guidance. The rest that follows is me thinking about that first thought or impulse.

"Staying cleansed is one of the main things I have done to learn to trust myself and to listen to the answers Guidance gives me. Cleansing clears my energy. Sometimes when I feel like I am in a fog, I will take a few minutes to cleanse. This gets me focused and helps to slow my thoughts down. It also clears my energy up. The simple act of stopping what I am doing long enough to break though the normal thought patterns allows me to breathe more deeply. It helps me to notice the thoughts I have. This helps me to change my perspective.

"With my energy clear, I feel less bogged down and I have more energy.Cleansing brings my energy up and I feel more like myself. My energy is raised, and I feel less stress or pressure from other people. I feel calmer about the everyday decisions that, in the past, could rattle me so easily.That calm feeling is something that I have to put effort into.

"In the beginning, I had to figure out the feeling of when I could benefit from cleansing. I had to create a new habit. Now, when I lead groups, I advise participants to "Cleanse as much as you can because you can never be too cleansed!"

"When I started to cleanse every morning before I left the house, I noticed that my day started better. So, I worked cleansing into my morning routine.

"The more positive I am, the easier it is for me to maintain balance. During the day, I might still get worked up and frustrated. It took some time for me to recognize these moments as perfect opportunities to cleanse, so I could concentrate on solutions to problems and let things go.

"Cleansing works so well because the calmer I am the more open I will be to the suggestions Guidance are giving me. At first, I questioned if it was my own thoughts I was hearing or the answers I was seeking from Guidance.

"One of my big personal challenges is being afraid of being wrong, and I carried this into all of my communications with souls. I questioned what I was saying and thinking - and what other people where thinking of what I said and did - because I was always so afraid of being wrong. I still sometimes slip into this old habit, but it happens far less, because I have learned to take the first nudge I feel and roll with it.

"I have learned that it takes a lot less energy to move on my first impression than to question and debate and think and think and think.I noticed that, when I forget to cleanse and keep my communication with Guidance open, I would not feel very relaxed or motivated.

"So, when I'm feeling tense or bored, I'll start to pay attention again, cleanse often, and I am amazed at how much better I feel and how much the small things don't get to me. It feels great!"

By Shannon Clark

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