Monday 7 January 2008

Signs of the Great Shift - Kuthumi

By Lynette Leckie-Clark

My Love, blessings and peace are with you as we meet through your energy fields once more.

I speak today of the changes many of you are experiencing, both in your physical bodies and your outer worlds. Many do not understand what is happening, and yet cannot deny feelings of frustr
ation and tiredness. Allow me to explain further.

When your physical body becomes ill, you feel unwell, tired, your physical body may feel quite heavy, even ache and feel uncomfortable. You usually feel a need to rest and to sleep. Sleeping allows the body to heal, th activate the "soldier" cells to begin the battle with the infected cells to allow recovery. Sleeping allows this process to take place at a much faster rate than if you chose to fight what your body is telling you it needs, and you choose to try to carry on, even though your body will send signals to your conscious mind that it needs rest.

The body needs rest and stillness to begin healing itself.

And so it is now with the great energy changes man is experiencing.

This is why many of you feel so tired and lethargic also. Your physical bodies need time to fully integrate the new higher energies in your atmosphere. The length of time that this process will require, depends upon two situations.

One - whether you consciously choose to just ignore what is happening to you and the planet, to ignore the physical changes you feel, like tiredness, aches, slight depression, and even repressed anger bursting to be released, or Two - if you choose to understand this great evolutionary process you are all experiencing, and open yourself, open your conscious mind and heart to receive the new energies being sent to you and Earth. To heal you from lifetimes of separation, pain, and darkness. To uplift you, allow you to know true peace and joy in a new reality, a new life experience. Of course, choosing the latter will hasten the process.

r, if you think of the thousands of lifetimes you have endured, and indeed learned from, the individual experiences of feeling alone and separated, then you may begin to understand the great shift in vibration that your physical bodies must now release, allowing the integration of new life - allowing the renewal of the birth, of your renewed soul Light, a true cosmic being of Light.

A new Light energy, a renewed integration with the Source - God.

We here have already transformed though this process. You call it enlightenment - opening to the Light, understanding it, living your life experience in the Light, in true peace and universal love. I tell you, it is this very experience and understanding which will enable you to truly live a Golden Age. There is no other way forward.

For m
any of your years you have been guided and encouraged to release the deeper pain held on your emotional bodies. It has been a continual process, indeed a process many of you have almost completed. Know that as the great shift of energy deepens and becomes stronger, you will feel a need to cleanse deeper, thereby often bringing up emotions and feelings many of you thought you had already released or ones so deep you wonder where those emotions and issues came from. Know that these deeper emotions are from your soul memory and therefore have been held deeply within you for many lifetimes.

These are all transformations many are experiencing. As you begin to understand why you need to
undergo and experience these changes and release, you also understand why I say celebrate! Yes, celebrate! In joy and laughter and love - celebrate the end of a great cycle of experience, of separation. Be happy that at last, you understand what it means to return home.

Happy that you are now preparing to release all domination, fear, and materialism and return to Light, experiencing true enlightenment, true love for all.

Your new year, 2008, will anchor an even higher and stronger energy to your planet, and to man. I say to you, to stay centered in your heart, indeed for those who listened to my final radio message for this year, 2007, where I gave an exercise to assist you to activate and release through your Soul Heart center - known to many of you as your Higher Heart chakra. This was given to ease the release process which you experience daily, or indeed for those other souls of your past, which you are having difficulty cutting emotional cords from.

It is my wish this will truly assist many of you to release and so to move forward and be free from all emotional negativity you had difficulty letting go of.

Be centered in your Soul Heart.
Master Kuthumi


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