Sunday 4 November 2007

Pull on the t-shirts

I hooted with laughter when I read this recent channelling from The Guardians ... but I thought it also had a very true message to tell, hence me posting it here to share with you all angel8

I felt that the fourth paragraph was particularly appropriate for me at this moment on my lifepath!

With bright blessings
Moonpoppy x

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Message From The Guardians: Through Laura

November 3, 2007

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Blessings one and all...

Around and around you go and where you stop no one knows! Dear ones are you getting a bit dizzy? [Laughter]

We watch you spin around and around on your world. We see you twirl on your own center and wonder when you will stop spinning and just accept that constant change is the nature of being a Human Being!

Blessed Angels of Earth, we are not making fun of you, we are just trying to help you see the futility of your struggle to resist the changes that are happening all around you and for that matter in you. Some of you are causing yourselves much more pain and anguish than is necessary. These are indeed challenging times for all on the Planet Earth but it is not necessary to be creating even more turmoil for yourself by constantly pushing against the changing aspects of your lives. It is often very difficult to see the purpose or incredible gifts of a particular situation when you are standing knee deep in it. We would suggest that in moments of turmoil and frustration you take a few deep breathes and stand back from the situation and use your position of the "observer" to gain a better perspective on your own situation.

In this way you will be able to gain more insight into what is really going on and the benefits it will provide for you in the long run! Remember Dear Ones, you are on Earth to grow and evolve not to chase all the goals and objectives you have been taught by your parents, teachers and cultures. If you are measuring your progress by the standards you have been taught by other Humans you will always find yourself lacking and become disillusioned and depressed. Life in the physical is not about the things others would choose for you but about the choices you make for yourself. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else around you and decide what "you" really want your own life to look like. What are your dreams, your passions and your goals? Who cares if they don't match up with what your society is tell you to be and do?

You are a Human Being not a Human Doing! Stop racing around trying to be what everyone else wants you to be and start really looking at what it is you wish to BE! If those choices don't fit in with what the people around you are doing, find some people of like mind to be around or "just do your own thing".

The 60's were not that long ago for a lot of you. Do you remember what it was like to free yourself of the burden of other peoples expectations of you? There was much wisdom from that time which has been forgotten and the real tragedy is the ones that discovered the wisdom were the first ones to forget all about it. [Laughter]

Why do you think the new generations are so retro focused, wanting to emulate a lot of the styles, music and energy of the period of the 60's and early 70's? There in lies a great key to the new generation of young people emerging now. Look at the rising number of peace protests, the young turning away from traditional education systems, the defiance of authority figures and institutions. Any of this sound familiar Baby Boomers? It may be time to dig out those tie died T-Shirts again, metaphorically speaking of course. [Laughter] If that is what it takes for you to regain the energies and wisdom of that period, then by all means throw in a head band if you need to!

The 60's and early 70's were a period of experimentation when a short burst of the New Energies were sent to Earth to help initiate the changes that are going on in your world today. A powerful seed was planted that has just recently began to germinate in a profound manner, especially in the west. This will grow and encompass your whole planet, as you are now truly living in a global community.

We will tell you a well kept secret. There is a unique group of souls that were not really part of what you consider the 60"s flower children because these are the ones that were born in the early 60's just as this powerful burst of New Energy was delivered to Earth. They rode the wave in so to speak and they will have a profound affect on your world in the coming years. They are what you would consider the youngest of the Baby Boomer generation and in fact are quite different from them. They are the bridge, the linkage between that generation and the New Children that started to arrive after that. They are the forerunners of all the New Children you think of as so special. They are the guardians of this new generation and have held the door open for these children to arrive, some at great cost. They will begin taking on new roles and priorities in the next few years and their voices will be heard in new and exciting ways. Watch for them, they will now become very easy to recognize. Some are the parents of New Children and others have chosen very different roles in which to be of service but all are connected in a very special way. That is all we will share with you at this time.

We hold you close to our Heart of Hearts and ask you to do the same for each other in these challenging times.

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

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