Friday, 26 October 2007

Make Way for Success

A few months back, I was really struggling - mentally, physically and spiritually - to get to grips with life. I wanted to move forward but every single step I took forward somehow ended up in 6 steps back!

This article from renowned conscious thought-leader makes perfect sense ... so if you are stuck and can't seem to find a way to move forward, then read on!

The Cycle of Completion: Making Way for Success
by Jack Canfield

Do you live in a state of mental and physical clutter? Do you have a bunch of unfinished business lurking around every corner?

Incomplete projects, unfinished business, and piles of cluttered messes can weigh you down and take away from the energy you have to move forward toward your goals.

When you don't complete tasks, you can't be fully prepared to move into the present, let alone your new future. When your brain is keeping track of all the unfinished business you still have at hand, you simply can't be effective in embracing new tasks that are in line with your vision.

Old incompletes can show up in your life in lots of different ways... like not having clarity, procrastination, emotional energy blocks and even illness. Blocked energy is wasted, and a build up of that energy can really leave you stymied!

Throw out all the clutter and feel how much easier it is to think! Make a list of areas in your life (both personal and professional) where you have incompletes and messes, then develop a plan to deal with them once and for all. Fix and organize the things that annoy you. Take your final steps in bringing closure to outstanding projects. Make that difficult phone call. Delegate time-wasting tasks that you've let build up.

When you free yourself from the mental burden of incompletes and messes, you'll be AMAZED at how quickly the things you do want in life arrive.

Another area where you'll find incompletes in your life is in your emotions. Are you holding on to old hurts, resentments, and pain? Just like the physical clutter and incompletes, your energy is being drained by holding on to and reliving past pain and anger.

Remember, you'll attract whatever feelings you're experiencing. So, if you're stuck in revengeful thinking and angered in muck, you can't possibly be directing energy toward a positive future. You need to let go of the past in order to embrace the future. Letting go involves forgiveness and moving on.

By forgiving you aren't releasing the other person from their transgression as much as you're freeing yourself from their transgression. You don't have to condone their behavior, trust them, or even maintain a relationship with them. However, you DO have to free yourself from the anger, from the pain, and from the resentment once and for all!

When learning to forgive, make sure to complete the cycle. Acknowledge your anger, your pain, and your fear. But also own up to any part you've played in allowing it to happen or continue. Make sure to express whatever it was that you wanted from that person, and then see the whole event from the other's point of view. Allow yourself to wonder what that person was going through and what kind of needs he/she was trying to fulfill at the time.

Finally, let go and move on. Every time you go through this process you're learning how to avoid letting it happen again!

Jack Canfield, America's Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Thought for Today

Exactly where you've been has made possible exactly who you are ...

Monday, 8 October 2007

Soul Blossoming - Things That Matter

I receive monthly updates from Planet Lightworker, an online magazine which is always chockfull of fascinating articles which always resonate loudly with me ...

Here is one such article from this month's issue, written by Tom Brown.

Things That Matter

WHY NOT LIVE AS THOUGH each moment could be our last? Then wouldn't everything that happens in time become delicate, refined, transparent; every sight and smell, every encounter become sacred? Wouldn't everything reveal itself as so fragile that our heart would open? That is what the enlightened heart is: total openness without fear to the deep-felt impermanence of life.

When we review the events of this life on the cosmic videotape, the cosmic "instant replay", we will see how unaware we often were of the true importance of things. We often wanted things so much that we didn't even notice how much quality of life we gave up and how much peace of mind we sacrificed in order to have cellular phones, televisions in every room, new cars - all the things that count for ZERO in the deeper, eternal part of ourselves.

The things that matter the most in our lives are not fantastic and grand. They are the moments when we touch one another, when we are there in the most attentive and caring way.

When we come to the end of our lives and look back, the questions we will not usually ask are, How much is in my bank account? or What did I build? or the like. The questions most likely to be asked are very simple:

  • Did I love well?
  • Did I live fully?
  • Did I learn to let go?
  • Did I learn to forgive and live from spirit of the heart instead of the spirit of judgment?

Ultimately, our true contribution to life is the love we add to the world. Everything else comes and goes. Sharing our love will happen spontaneously among us when we allow ourselves to be simple and real and to live fully in the present moment.

Emerging Butterflies

As we begin a new year, our thoughts naturally go to new beginnings and transformations. One of the best metaphors for this is the metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly.

The caterpillar encases itself and is forced into a dark small area where it cannot be distracted by anything. No longer can the sun and rain enter its world. It is alone in the darkness wrapped in what it has spun from inside. Only by facing the darkness does the caterpillar's body begin to spread out and its light, beautiful wings begin to form.

The caterpillar must shed its last attachment to the dark, cramped space it has gotten used to - a form of familiar comfort - and begin breaking through the barrier of self in which it has wrapped itself. It doesn't have a clue what lies beyond, but it responds to a higher calling anyway.

IF a human helps the butterfly break through the cocoon, it will never fly. Only by finding the strength to break through the last attachment can this delicate being with a body so light and fragile, fly free.

If a caterpillar were given a choice, it might remain in its cocoon where everything is comfortable and familiar rather than coming out to be a butterfly. The caterpillar does not comprehend what it is becoming. We are in a similar predicament. We spend our time and energy trying to improve the cocoon, a little paint here, some wallpaper there, and we will have a great looking cocoon. We don't realize we are growing into something that will have the freedom to fly away in perfect bliss. Someday we will outgrow our present condition and have wings that will take us to heights we cannot imagine at the present time.

All of life is preparation for transition from one state to another, from one circumstance to another. The winds of change may come as a fierce hurricane ripping our life asunder or as a tender breeze that caresses our cheeks.

Honoring the truth of change allows our experience of darkness to be part of the greater whole. It asks the heart to be present and trust at deeper and deeper levels. It asks us to risk becoming butterflies while still in our cocoons.

© 2001-07, Tom Brown

Thursday, 4 October 2007

"Age of You"

Blessings one and all ...

We greet you this day in the energy of thankfulness and unconditional love. Our voice has been doing her own work and integrating all the new energies which have flooded on to your Earth plane. We thought it fitting to re-establish our written communication with you at this time as the home of our voice moves into the celebration of Thanksgiving and remembrance of all the blessings each has received.

Your Planet has just taken another great step in it's evolution, some may say a "Quantum Leap" in consciousness and some may call it by a different name. It matters not the phraseology you choose to use. It matters only that you have some awareness of what has transpired and what it means to you and all the peoples of your Planet Earth. You may be looking around you saying "nothings really changed", "I was waiting to really see something happen and nothing really did." There is a reason for that Angels of Earth, if you are looking around you, you are looking in the wrong place. The profound changes have happened inside each individual and not in the exterior world you perceive with your physical eyes. You may start to see some external changes soon but these are a result of the changes that have gone on internally in each individual.

We know we speak to a group who already have a more fully developed awareness than the masses who are just now beginning to wake from their long sleep. If you want to really witness the leap in consciousness look to the people around you who would never before consider reading such a communication from spirit as you are reading now, the ones who would never before have a serious discussion about their dreams or having had an experience with an invisible being coming to them as they lay in their beds and wondering what in the world was happening to them. Look deeply into their eyes, hear the tone of their voice and listen closely to their questions. Notice a difference? Do you see a change? Can you feel the reaching out to new levels of understanding and acceptance? Do you hear them considering things they may have never considered before? Do you hear them asking, if not demanding that there must be a better way for us to all live together? Do you feel them reacting to you and what you say in a whole new and more open way?

What of you our precious Angels of Earth, do you not feel it too? Have not your dreams intensified and taken on a whole new dimension and meaning? Are you not now remembering your dreams more clearly than ever before? Are you not finding things that no longer serve you falling away at an unprecedented rate and new this and ideas flooding in like never before? Do you feel the unexplainable relentlessness that is accompanied by an uncharacteristic inner peace at the same time? You are saying to yourself, "How can I be so restless and charged up yet feel this inner peace and contentment at the same time"? You make a choice and know instantly afterwards that it was the correct choice for you but have no idea where you are going to go from that point but it seems perfectly fine with you. Could you imagine feeling that way five years ago or even one year ago or for some a few weeks ago? [Laughter]

Welcome to the New Consciousness beloved Angels of Earth, you are now in the energy of "You". It's not about your connection to anything, not even to spirit, it's about your full connection to "You" and all that "You" are!

No you have not entered the "Age of ultimate selfishness", it's not about denying others anything. What it's really about is becoming your true "I Am" self, becoming the creator you truly are and choosing what "You" really want from the field of limitless possibilities that stand spread out before. What is really making you restless is that you have never before considered or been able to envision truly limitless possibilities for yourself or your world. The inner peace and contentment you feel lies in the center of that field of limitless possibilities. It is totally peaceful and serine because there is now energy attached to any one of these possibilities because they are just that "possibilities". You are free to choose any one or number of them that strikes your fancy. There is no right, no wrong, no better, no worse they are just there waiting for you to choose or choose again.

Dear Ones, we understand this can be somewhat overwhelming to you coming out of the energy of limitation and restriction but you will get used to it! [Laughter] Some will dive right in and others will take their time getting used to this new paradigm, it doesn't matter which one you are, each will move through at their own pace and in their own way. We ask you to "feel" the possibilities open to you now and start practising making conscious choices. The time of sitting back and just going with the flow has passed. You are truly the creator of your own world and it needs your input, your "choices" to move forward. In essence there is really no flow, just what you choose to create for yourself.

Some are saying to themselves, "I really don't know what to choose". Think of it like shopping for a new wardrobe, try something on and if it does not suite you try on something else. The world will not end if you choose a shirt and decide a few weeks later to get a sweater. [Laughter] Dear Ones, you need to let go of the concept of "what is the Best choice". Just because one thing is "Best" at one stage of your life does not mean that it is most appropriate a year, a month or even the next minute of time. You have been so conditioned to think in terms of the future instead of considering what is best for you in that present moment of time. What suites you, feeds you, and fulfills you in every sense of the word "right now". Tomorrow is another day, it might be something totally different in that moment of time. You have been conditioned to think in massive blocks of time in the future. Where will I be in five years and what are the things that will get me to that place I want to be? You really have no idea what you will really want when you arrive in that time five years from now, it will most likely be quite different from how you feel about it now.

Most of you have been living your whole lives this way, has it made you happy? Are you really satisfied with where you are right now? How many have discovered what you thought you wanted five years ago is not what you want now that you have arrived? So Dear Ones, has this method that you have been taught and cling to so fiercely been working for you?

Angels of Earth we have asked "You" many questions this day of your time, can you guess why?

It's because the answers, the choices, are not up to us or to come from us, they are in "You"!

We told you from the beginning that we were here to help guide you "to make your own choices" and now more than ever before you have the most open playing field to do just that, choose. It is not our purpose to choose for you, the choices are yours and yours alone. "You" are the creator!

Angels of Earth we hold "you" in our Heart of Hearts and ask "you" to do the same for each other. Most of all we ask that you be loving, gentle and patient with "You".

Blessings one and all...

The Guardians

Through Laura - October 4th, 2007

Reproduced with kind permission by